
The Church is registered as both a charity and a company, and therefore we also have Trustees/Directors. These are Shina Olalekan (Chair), Gordon Brook and Philip Titus Varugese. The Trustees main role is to ensure that as a charity, the church meets its charitable objectives. They must also give an account each year of activities and how money is spent (copies of the annual reports and accounts can be made available on request). The Trustees also aim to ensure that the church is meeting its legal requirements around such things as health and safety, insurance, employee welfare, safeguarding and data protection. The Trustees also take an oversight of the churches building and other assets, both in terms of maintenance and development. The Church also has a Finance Council which meets quarterly to scrutinise expenditure, to ensure compliance with the Church’s Internal Financial Controls and to advise both Trustees and Elders on budgets. The Council is accountable to the Trustees.