Andy Frost

Over the next few weeks, we're delighted that Andy Frost will be with us to help us with our Vision plan to make Jesus known radically.
Andy's been the Director of Share Jesus International since 2008, leading scores of projects ranging from London’s Pentecost Festival to national tours. At the heart of all that he does, he wants to help people follow Jesus. He is a popular speaker who loves telling the stories of Jesus.
He presently heads up the London Mission Collective, works with Care for the Family on the Kitchen Table Project and Gather on church unity and mission.
Over the years he has worked with a variety of organisations including More than Gold, Big Book Media and C3 Global. He is a Methodist Local Preacher, has an MA in Applied Theology, has authored a number of books and presented the Jesus Series.
He is married to Jo and has two daughters. His downtime is spent watching live comedy, playing football or searching for waves to surf.