Theme For 2024 & Daniel Fast

We're delighted to announce our theme for 2024, based on Psalm 84.
As part of our intention to foster "hearts set on pilgramage", we're encouraging participation is a series of "Daniel Fasts" throughout the year. The first of these will take place from the 3rd to the 16th of January.
The Daniel Fast is based on Daniel 10:2-3: “At that time, I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks. I ate no choice food; no meat or wine touched my lips; and I used no lotions at all until the three weeks were over.” It is the avoidance of choice (regular) food, eating only fruit and vegetables. There is no prescriptive way to do a Daniel fast, however, you may find these guidelines helpful:
Abstain from your regular food and eat only fruit and vegetables for the duration of the fast. No tea and coffee and avoid dairy products. There are some useful guidelines about what to eat here, but please keep it simple and don’t over think it. We want our focus to be on God rather than on the food we're eating or not eating.
We are fasting and praying for fourteen days, however some may choose to do a seven day version. Ensure you pray at least three times each day. Suggested times: 9am; 12noon; 3pm or 6pm.
We are free to eat three times a day. You may choose to go without until you break the fast in the evening each day. You may choose the time you break. Many people break their fast between 5 & 6pm daily. We encourage children to fast at parent’s discretion. They may break at lunch time. We are not mandating the fast, but we are strongly encouraging people to do it. We are aware that some people will not be fasting for medical or other reasons known to them. We respect everyone’s choices and decisions. There will be no Tea and Coffee after service on Sundays.
We will have a bring and share meal on Sunday, 21 January 2024 to mark the end of the fast. There will be no Life Groups during the fast, but please keep in regular fellowship with each other.
Why Are We Fasting?
At any point in time, throughout human history, God has always been and will always be man’s greatest need. In the 21st century, with all its fast paced, local, national, and global challenges, the Church of God need to seek God more than ever before.
At King’s, we have dedicated 2024 to the pursuit of God. We want to experience his presence, power, and purpose for us as a Church. We want to be a church where the presence and power of God is not simply talked about but experienced in greater fashion than before. We want God to show us his priorities for Epsom and the neighbouring towns where our members come from. We want each person who attends King’s to be equipped to lead a victorious Christian life and be a faithful witness for Jesus.
These are a few of the reasons why we are praying and fasting. This will not be a one-off activity for us, we will have seasons of prayer and fasting throughout the year. We want to know God better and grow deeper in him.
Please use the prayers here as a guide each day. We'll also publish them each day on our social media platforms. Pray on your own, as a family, with a prayer partner or triplet, and also join us daily on Zoom (Password: amen) at 7pm to pray for half an hour each day.