Update From Germany: July 2023

It is great to be writing again.
“As long as the earth endures, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night will never cease.” - Genesis 8:22
When we started this journey, we knew there will have to be seedtime and harvest time. There is usually an excitement when a new journey starts or when a new project begins. There is also the sense of hope when you take a break from the journey or indeed the project, knowing that you are moving step by step, inch by inch, towards the destination. The destination in this case is to see a great revival in Germany, the UK and indeed Europe.
We have been massively encouraged by the different discipleship initiatives gaining momentum slowly in Germany. We have been collaborating and networking with some of the teams leading these initiatives and we have discovered the enormity of the task ahead.
There are initiatives led by Native Germans, African Pastors and leaders in Germany / Europe, Arab Christians in Germany, German missionaries and Churches.
Ecclesiastes 3:6 talks about a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away.
Recently, the All Nations Team received a Ugandan team led by Pastor Wilson. Wilson felt led by God to give up his job as a bank manager to reach drug dealers, prostitutes and thugs on the street of Kampala in Uganda. Wilson has been doing this for the last ten years and the team have grown exponentially.
The Ugandan team, pictured here was invited to Germany so that our team can learn from them. We know that the mode of operation in Uganda may not work in Europe, but we hope to adapt and adjust the successes to our European system and culture. The initiative is called the Africa / Europe Discipleship Movement.
This picture is of the team dancing to a Ugandan praise song!
As part of this 4-day workshop in Hamburg, we went for evangelism to the rough streets of Hamburg. There we spoke with drug addicts, prostitutes, homeless people etc. When we got to the area, there was a massive police presence. The police were stopping people at random to carry out a search for drugs or any incriminating objects or substances. It was a bit scary, not because we all had anything to hide but we did not want to be falsely accused or mistaken as drug runners or criminals. We split ourselves into teams of three people and went to speak to these people as we were led by God.
In our team, we managed to speak with a homeless couple who were doing drugs when we met them. We asked to sit with them to have a chat. They agreed, reluctantly because they told us that if the police saw them with us, it might attract attention and they did not want to be caught. So, we sat and had a few conversations with them, hoping to talk to them about Jesus. But, as they said, the Police started approaching in our direction. Though the police were distracted by other people, our homeless friends asked us to leave and they quickly carried their stuff to move away from the location. We had to quickly end the conversation and asked if we could visit them again.

Pictures here are of Wilson and myself while taking a tour of the city, at a notable fellowship meeting point and in front of a bank. Wilson hopes to go back into banking one day.
Back at the workshop, we had a discussion session where we analysed the Ugandan system based on their culture and how we can refine it for the European system and culture. For a major part, language is the main challenge but we were still able to cope.
This brings us to the issue of language. We are still learning the language slowly but surely and hope to continue this for as long as it takes, knowing how important it is for the work of discipleship and reaching Germans for Jesus Christ.
After re-applying for another resident permit for myself, I was informed that I needed to do 90 days abroad before applying. This would have meant that I would leave my wife (Kemi) in Germany while I go back to the UK for a while. We prayed about this and feel that GOD wants us to take a break at this point by returning to the UK. Clearly the effects of Brexit and immigration issues attached to it are still real and in place. After over two years in Germany, we would be returning to UK for a long break from Germany. We will pray and hope to hear from God on the next steps.
Now you all understand why we quoted those scriptures at the beginning. This will be a season of break for us to recharge, spend time with ourselves and our family as we keep hope alive knowing that the Lord will continue to build / send his labourers to Germany / Europe.
As for when we will return, we do not know but we will continue working with our brothers and sisters in Germany by making regular visits to keep in touch with our team, the people we support in prayers and friendship, and the potential disciples we have been praying to God to give us opportunity to reach for Christ.
We believe the Lord wants to use Africans and other immigrant people to lay a foundation for the building of His kingdom in Germany and Europe.
Our massive thanks go to you all for supporting us through this journey so far. We are only a very small part of the great work the Lord is about to do in Europe, the harvest is plenty but the labourers are few. The Lord will reward every one of you for your prayers and support in Jesus name.
We will keep you posted on our next steps in due time so watch this space.
Please Pray:
For a revival in Germany and Europe
For The Lord to intervene in the war as it is affecting standard of living in Germany
For us to continue to improve our language competence so we can do more and connect more with the locals
Adi and Kemi, 01/08/2023