A Day In The Life Of Your Missionary

Not all days are this tough and rough but this week has been tough and today is particularly rough.
So I woke up this morning, did my personal devotion and our corporate devotion with our School of Church Planting students, dressed up and ready to hit the roads.
I was going to do the second of my five days teaching at the Youth With A Mission base downtown, teaching on Cross-Cultural Evangelism! Lo and behold the car wouldn't start. On closer examination, I discovered that the battery to our car has been stolen in the middle of the night. Another car on the campus has also had it's battery stolen. Two batteries from two cars in one night and yet the cars remain firmly locked. 'How did they do it?' remains an open question. Anyhow, the King's business demands haste. Off to YWAM on Motorcycle Taxi! From 9:00-12:30 job done.
Back to base. Jumped into the class at our own School of Church Planting now to teach on Doctrines, taking over from Bilhah who has kept them engaged since morning teaching on 'the disciplines of the disciple'. All the while with mind still wondering about the theft we had suffered.
Now it's 3pm. I've got a battery to borrow, I must rush off to our base to join two ladies to visit church members whom we haven't seen in several weeks because of closure of churches due to Covid scares. Midway, a message dropped into my phone. Vovó (grandma) Viviana - the oldest lady at our House Church had died at 12:00, now the family need the Pastor & the church to come bury her. Her last words were just that! 'Get the Pastor and the church to give me a decent burial!' Ok, so I mobilized my follow-up team. I told them, our commitment remains but the job description has changed. Vovó Viviane is dead, we must go now to organize her burial...so off to Vovó we go.
Spent some two hours there, got the family talking, got stuff organized for burial tomorrow morning, made financial contribution towards making a simple local coffin and preparing food, promised to monitor developments and took off.
It's almost 6pm now. Oh yes. I have one more commitment to go. I must teach Church Planting Movement (CPM) to a group I am coaching on-line... done.
Now, I can have my well deserved dinner, family time / devo - this time with wife and son and to bed. Tomorrow morning to burial.
Not everyday is this complex but today truly is. God is good!