CAPRO Mozambique Update - July 2021

Praise be to God. We are glad to share this exciting news with you:
1. Our School of Church Planting started off on the 12th of June as planned. We have thirty-six students.
The twelve in Level 2 of the training did Level 1 last year and most of them planted a New Church or Discipleship group during their 6-months practicals. Together with the 24 new Level 1 students, they'll be here for the next three months after which they'll all go to different places for evangelism, disciple-making & Church Planting.
Join us in praying for total transformation of lives. Pray too for provisions to sustain the school for it's three months duration - this is our third week.
2. Two of our local leaders / staff, Sarifo & Nelito are undergoing seven week Leadership Training in Kenya. They'll be back in about three weeks. We are excited about this development. The Lord is raising indigenous leaders and that we believe secures the future of the work.
Join us in thanking the Lord for this development. Pray that the Lord will both equip and anoint these indigenous leaders as well as give them large vision and heart for their people.
3. We presently have a couple - Nelson & Indira - at the CAPRO School of Missions in Kenya. Their training has gone very well so far, though the school itself is needing very urgent financial miracles to pay accumulated bills, sponsor student trips to the field and resolve other issues.
Please pray for big financial miracles for the CAPRO East African School of Missions and for Nelson and Indira to experience God and be fully prepared for the Mission of God on their lives while in Kenya.
4. The Lord willing, I'll be traveling to Kenya next week. I'll be teaching Church Planting at both the School of Church Missions and School of Leadership.
Please join me in prayer for all necessary provisions, documentation and for a safe trip. Pray also that the teaching / training will be spiritually impacttful. Pray too for Bilhah who'll be holding the forte practically alone with all that's going on here.
5. Meanwhile, our local ministry and outreach continue to grow. We're seeing more souls brought to Christ, more disciples being raised and more churches bring planted.
Thanks so much for your Partnership with this work.
God bless you,